Whilst I was working on what I wanted to do with my little blog and the things I would post about, not to mention getting my little owl doodle just right, Drew, one of my cats, went missing.
Is this my best side? |
Drew is all white, around 4/5 years of age and one of the most sweetest cats I've ever owned. We got him from the R.S.P.C.A. just under three years ago and he settled in with the rest like he'd always been here. He likes to nibble fingers, be all up in your face if he wants affection and sunbathe- with those ears! He hates shouty voices, the harsh wind and the dog being all up in his face for affection.
He'd been missing before for 24 hours at most as the neighbours on the street love him, so he would quite happily stroll into their houses and sleep the day away in some hidden corner. Then 2 days went. Then 3.
Today marked the 13th day he'd been missing and sadly we got a little knock on the door from the neighbour two doors down to tell us that Drew's body had been found in the far back corner of next door neighbour's garden. We had hoped he would stroll home soon, demanding his empty bowl to be filled, because across the road had seen him 4 days after the last time we'd seen him, so we're not sure what happened as it was clear Drew had been there a while.
Hey you! Human! My bowl is empty! Why is this?! |
I had planned on doing little profile posts about each of my
pets kids with fur (yes, I'm
that person) because they all have such strange tics and we've always said we have odd animals. Alas, Drew's has been done as a little memory post instead.
Sleep well, sweet Drew, sleep well.
Drew aka The Poser (2008/9-2013) |